State of Israel

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The Oslo Accords

Grade 7-9, Grade 10-12

Israel: The Building of a State

Grade 7-9, Grade 10-12

Uncovering the Personal Behind the Historical

Grade 4-6, Grade 7-9, Grade 10-12

Learning to be a Local

Grade 4-6, Grade 7-9

The True Origins of Modern Zionism

Grade 7-9, Grade 10-12

Move Yom Hashoah to Tisha B’Av

Grade 7-9, Grade 10-12

Shir LaShalom – Song of Peace

Grade 7-9, Grade 10-12

Birthright Israel

Grade 7-9, Grade 10-12

Kibbutz Life

Grade 4-6, Grade 7-9, Grade 10-12

Jerusalem: Why is it so important?

Grade 7-9, Grade 10-12

Inside Israel’s Knesset

Grade 7-9, Grade 10-12

The Immigration Nation

Grade 7-9, Grade 10-12

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