Although the State of Israel is relatively young, the roots of Zionism can be traced back to Abraham’s journey to the Land of Canaan. In this resource, learners will study the historical background and ideology underlying the return to Israel, with discussion questions that prompt the learners to delve into their own Jewish identities: Are the Jews a religion or a nation? Would the State of Israel exist without anti-Semitism? How important is Jewish self-rule to Jewish survival? A creative learning exercise in which the class is divided into two groups, one making the case for support of Zionism and the other opposing the movement, gives students an opportunity to see the progression of Zionism throughout the years and provides the tools necessary for assessing their own relationship to the Zionist movement and the State of Israel.
The learners will:
understand the ways in which Zionism, religious identity and national identity intersect with one another
know the various factors that contributed to the growth and spread of Zionism across Jewish history, the different types of Zionism that exist, and the reasons for Jewish opposition to political Jewish sovereignty in the land of Israel.
be able to make the ‘case” for Zionism and the existence of the State of Israel today or to make the “case” opposing the State of Israel
Unpacked for Educators materials include:
An educator’s guide that contains many rich components. These are organized under the following titles:
review (questions that relate to the video)
further learning
A video designed to spark interest in the topic.
A lesson plan (link in the attachment above) that incorporates additional building blocks for the construction of an engaging and interactive lesson.
Student Handouts, computer, projector
The website link includes a “further learning” section in the educator’s guide.