Flipped classroom
What Is This?
The Flipped classroom is a practice in which students engage independently with learning materials (videos, texts etc.) before the lesson while spending in-class time engaging in activities designed to promote a deeper understanding of content.
The flipped classroom allows students to learn independently at their own pace while providing the teacher with more in-class time for individual rather than whole class instruction. Pre-learning makes better use of the time spent in the classroom for active and collaborative student engagement: peer discussion, problem-based learning, and discussions or debate. Flipped classrooms allow for more differentiated learning and instruction during class time and yield deeper student understanding.
How To Use It?
To flip teaching, provide students with meaningful learning materials before engaging in active learning in the classroom. This can be done by assigning readings with questions to answer, creating lecture or demonstration videos, creating an online discussion group or asking students to engage with digital curriculum tools. It is important to provide an incentive for students to prepare for class by making pre-learned information vital for class participation. In-class activities should focus on higher level cognitive activities relying on pre-learning. Teachers should format pre-learning materials while relating to student feedback.
When To Use?
Flipped classrooms can be used for implementing blended learning when online learning is required. It can be used for teaching topics which allow for differentiated self-paced learning. Flipped lessons can also be used when introducing new learning materials, in order to use classroom time more effectively. Flipped classrooms are best to use when aspiring to promote higher order thinking skills, while allowing for independent learning to assist in covering facts or essential information or data.
How To Assess?
Flipped classroom assessment includes assessing both the quality of pre-lesson learning and in- lesson participation. Immediate feedback can be given to students on concepts and assignments learned outside of class. Feedback can be given by using the same digital learning platforms used for independent learning. Self evaluation tools such as quizzes and forms can be used at the end of independent assignments. Gamified polls and voting tools can be used in class to determine how effective the self-directed learning was. Having students create collaborative mind maps in class can both assess at-home learning and provide active collaborative deepening of understanding.