Tanakh is Our Story – The Exodus from Egypt


A unique curriculum developed by Herzog College in collaboration with UnitEd, presenting the Tanakh as a story that shapes Jewish identity.

The program is designed for middle and high school students in Jewish schools worldwide. Studying the biblical text as a story enables students to explore the characters, events, and dilemmas in a way that invites them to connect with the narrative and feel the link between the biblical story and their daily lives.

The entire learning process is available on our website, including teacher units and student worksheets.

The units presented here focus on the story of the Exodus as told in the beginning of the Book of Exodus.

The teaching method is based on Herzog College’s educational principles, such as incorporating realia, emphasizing Jewish identity, using maps, and conducting lessons in an active and engaging way through a variety of dynamic and interesting teaching practices available on the UnitEd website.

Visit our website, explore the lessons, and start using the materials with your students today!


  1. Students will become familiar with the story of the Exodus.
  2. Students will connect with the values that emerge from studying the Exodus story and deepen their understanding and connection between biblical narratives and their daily lives.
  3. Students will delve into the choices, thoughts, and values of the characters in the story.
  4. Students will actively participate in the learning process and engage in an experiential and meaningful way.

Tanakh is Our Story is a Bible study program designed for middle school students in the Diaspora, available in three languages—English, Spanish, and Hebrew. The program offers an extensive toolkit for teaching and learning, including interactive lesson plans, digital and print materials, videos, and images to visually enhance the narrative. All of this is delivered through active and experiential learning that integrates content and pedagogy.

The program is suitable for Torah and Jewish studies classes.

The teacher’s guide is available online, organized into units and lessons. Additionally, printable student worksheets are accessible on the website.

Each lesson includes background information on the topic, a central focal verse that anchors the learning, suggestions for engaging lesson openers, active learning strategies, and activities to summarize the lesson. A brief summary for the teacher is also provided at the end of each lesson.

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