The Darkei Avot pilot is designed to enrich the class with a short and focused study of moral and value sayings from the chapters of Pirkei Avot.
This study session can be freely incorporated into the curriculum at times that best suit the teacher and the class.
They do not depend on continuous study, and can be incorporated before or after other lessons, as an opening activity in the morning, etc.
We propose short activities related to each saying, so that you can cover several sayings in one lesson, or spend 15-20 minutes on each saying.
The Darkei Avot pilot is designed to enrich the class with a short and focused study of moral and value sayings from the chapters of Pirkei Avot.
This study session can be freely incorporated into the curriculum at times that best suit the teacher and the class.
The Darkei Avot pilot is designed to enrich the class with a short and focused study of moral and value sayings from the chapters of Pirkei Avot.
This study session can be freely incorporated into the curriculum at times that best suit the teacher and the class.
They do not depend on continuous study, and can be incorporated before or after other lessons, as an opening activity in the morning, etc.
We propose short activities related to each saying, so that you can cover several sayings in one lesson, or spend 15-20 minutes on each saying.
The pilot includes 15 moral and value sayings from the chapters of Pirkei Avot, according to the following topics:
1. Characteristics and attributes
2. Between student and teacher
3. Between a person and his friend
4. Behavior and lifestyles
The following is attached to each saying:
Poster JPG / PDF
For the teacher PDF
For the student PDF
Youtube video:
Loud Speakers