This lesson will introduce two classical rabbinic texts on Chanukah focused on heroism. Each text demonstrates very different types of heroic acts both coming from – in their day from unlikely sources – women. One has a focus on the military struggle against the Greek-Syrians while the other text presents a spiritual/religious stand against the enemy. The student will compare and contrast different types of heroism and consider a broader definition of heroism. Students will ‘meet’ heroes from the Swords of Iron War and reflect on modern day acts of heroism.
Finally, students will consider ways that they may take action in ways that could be considered “ordinary acts of heroism.”
Big Ideas
• Heroism takes on many forms
• Heroism is carried out by ordinary and exceptional people alike
Essential Questions
Part 1 – Introduction (10 min)
Before discussing the heroism found in the Chanukah story, the teacher should introduce the lesson by showing the following clip of Baruch Cohen who fought to protect his kibbutz Magen located in the Gaza Envelope that was part of the Oct 7th Massacre.
Ask students
After this short discussion explain to students that in this lesson they will be comparing and contrasting two classic rabbinic Chanukah texts that exemplify very different kinds of heroic acts.
The lesson will also consider modern day acts of heroism and ways that they may be able to participate in acts of heroism.
Part 2 – The Story of Yehudit (10 min)
Note to teacher:
Provided are the English and Hebrew versions of the text both for this midrash and the next Talmudic Aggadah as well. Depending on how much time the teacher wants to spend and the students’ ability to decipher rabbinic texts from the original, she can decide to work with the Hebrew text or the translated text.
The teacher should divide the students into study pairs (chavruta) and distribute the Yehudit text (Source 1) to them. Direct them to read the story out loud to each other and together answer the following questions using the Think-Pair-Share technique:
Part 3 – Hana and her Seven Sons [Gittin 57b] (8 min)
Notes to teacher:
1) This aggada on the women and her seven sons has in Jewish tradition been associated with the Chanukah story even though not all the facts and characters appearing in it historically line up. The historicity of the aggada is not our concern in this lesson but, should students raise this, the teacher can point out that Jewish tradition has connected the story with Chanukah and that there are different versions of the story.
2) The aggada never mentions the name Hana in the story itself but Jewish tradition has identified her by the name Hana. It may be due to the verse quoted from Psalms 113 at the very end “A joyful mother of children” that The Rabbis associated with biblical Hana who was barren much of her life and then had her prayers answered with the blessing of a succession of 7 children.
Continuing in pairs, have students read the story of the women and her seven children. Have them answer the following questions using the Think-Pair-Shar technique:
Part 4 – Compare and Contrast the Two Stories (10 min)
Bring the students together for a full class discussion.
Assemble all the students to lead a full class discussion comparing and contrasting the two rabbinic stories.
Ask students:
The teacher should try to tease out from students that there are different forms of heroism. Some is through fighting and defeating an enemy (Yehudit). Others may be in standing up for a principle (the women of seven sons). Sometimes heroism results in victory and other times not – yet the act still may be one of heroism.
The teacher may want to point out the similarity between Hana and how many Holocaust victims knowing that their fate was sealed died singing “Ani Maamin” or “Shema Yisrael.”
Part 5 – Modern Day Heroes During the Swords of Iron War (7 min)
Similar to the trigger film that opened this lesson, below is a series of short videos that highlight extraordinary acts of heroism during the Oct 7th Massacre. You can divide students into small groups assigning a different video for each group or select from the films and show the entire class.
Ask students:
Playlist: The Spirit of Israeli Heroism
Part 6 – Conclusion (5 min)
The teacher should summaries the main points from the lesson above describing emphasizing lessons learned:
1) Heroism comes in many different forms – physical fighting, standing and sacrificing for principles, etc.
2) Chanukah was a physical war and one based on a fight over ideas and priciples.
3) Heroism is demonstrated often by ordinary people stepping up when the hour requires action.
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Paper Handouts