In time for Shavuot, UnitEd encourages teachers of middle school and high school students to explore this unique 11 part curriculum on the 10 Commandments developed by OpenDor Media in partnership with UnitEd. Including one introductory video to the series, ten more videos – each dedicated to a different one of the 10 commandments – draw out relevant ideas that are at the core of each of the commandments. Every video has an educational package including a lesson plan using Understanding by Design as its curricular model providing educators with Big Ideas and Essential Questions for each lesson. Much more educational content is also provided to assist the teacher in engaging students around The Ten commandments.
This series takes students on an immersive journey through the Ten Commandments by reexamining these millenia-old laws as a living, breathing guide to everyday Jewish life, tradition and society.
In this series, our goal is to explore each of the Ten Commandments and uncover the foundational principles they contain. Instead of seeing them merely as a list of commandments, we’ll approach them as essential truths that resonate with us today.
These ancient laws have specific relevance and meaning for modern Jewish life, and through deeper exploration, we hope to find insights that can guide us towards living in
a more meaningful and fulfilling way.
The accompanying resource pack provides additional insights and learning activities to enrich your understanding of the Ten Commandments. Through learning activities,
lesson plans, discussion and reflection questions, we aim to foster a deeper appreciation for this profound wisdom and its applications in our contemporary world.
Join us as we embark on this journey of discovery and seek to uncover the hidden gems within the Ten Commandments!
Affective goals
➔ Inspire students to appreciate and explore the core values behind each of the Ten Commandments, and see the relevance and meaning they can have for modern Jewish life.
Behavioral goals
➔ Encourage students to apply the essential principles behind each of the Ten Commandments to their actions, making conscious choices that lead to more purposeful and meaningful living.
Cognitive goals
➔ Guide students to analyze and synthesize the guiding principles of the Ten Commandments, empowering them to understand and embrace how these values create a meaningful framework for ethical living