
Each of us has a name – Poem by Zelda Mishkowsky


We have chosen Israeli poems that express both the pain and the hope since October 7th.

Zelda Mishkowsky (1916–
1984), a descendant of the
Chabad Lubavitcher
rabbinic dynasty, was
born in Ukraine and
immigrated to
Palestine in 1928 at the
age of 12. Popularly known by her first name, she was a pious
woman who lived most of her life in Jerusalem’s very
religious neighborhoods. She remains one of the few
poets able to traverse Israel’s religious-seculcar

Discussion Questions:
This poem was written 50 years ago and is typically read on Holocaust memorial day. How does
it apply to October 7th?
The list of names of Israelis killed on October 7th is overwhelming. Choose just one name from
this list and learn the story of their life and death.
How does knowing their name and story impact you?
Popularly known by her first name, she was a pious
woman who lived most of her life in Jerusalem’s very
religious neighborhoods. She remains one of the few
poets able to traverse Israel’s religious-seculcar

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