
simple tools for Meaningful lessons

Ready-to-use activities and tools that you can roll out instantly, Sparks are perfect for jump-starting your lesson plan and boosting student engagement. Sparks are designed to captivate students, bringing the subject matter of a lesson to life, and increase engagement and participation.  Sparks also strengthen students’ social and emotional skills, encouraging them to engage with each other and their learning community, alongside the material.

Sparks are broken down into 5 categories for easy integration into your lesson plan or content learning:

Lesson strart & end Sel and Skills
Apology, Applause, Awareness
This tool allows students to share not only personal reflections but also acknowledge others in their classroom.
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Lesson strart & end Sel and Skills
Checking-out is a simple way for students to close and conclude a process or lesson simply in a collaborative way. Checking-out invites each member in a group to be seen and heard, and to express a thought or a feeling. checking-out emphasizes reflection and individual meaning making.
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Lesson strart & end
Back to Back
This closing game encourages reflection and debriefing of lessons. It provides an opportunity for structured sharing and getting to know each other in an active and dynamic way.
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Lesson strart & end Engagement
Circle back to this!
A simple word association game at the beginning of the lesson can encourage relaxed readiness of students. Students’ engagement in a gamified thinking activity at the very start of the lesson can provide a fun way to connect with content.
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