"כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה"

Hand in Hand

Join The Chain of Jewish Kids Around the World

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By uploading a photo you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and agree that the images and content you uploaded would be used by us for the purposes stated. You hereby grant us a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, license and right to use, display, modify, create derivative works, and allow others to do so of the photo you uploaded via this form. You also represent and warrant that you are either the person in the photo or obtained that person’s consent, and that you allow us to use that person’s name, likeness, and photo to promote our purposes and goals as a part of this project.

Welcome to UnitEd's new website!

Our website is just starting its journey,  and we'll be adding new content, features, and resources regularly.

We invite you to return to our website and follow its growth!