Project Aleph Bet: Strengthening North American Jewish Day Schools

Project Aleph Bet, a collaboration of Israel’s Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and Combatting Anti-Semitism and JFNA, and executed by UnitEd, aims to revitalize Jewish education in North America. The initiative, led by Minister Amichai Chikli, focuses on Jewish day schools and early childhood centers to increase enrollment, foster Jewish identities, and improve educational quality and a connections to Israel.

Key Partners:

Provides strategic oversight, funding, and symbolic commitment to Jewish communities.

Amplifies outreach, engagement, and support among North American Jewish communities.

Manages partnerships, pilot assessments, and network-building.

Serves in a senior advisory capacity for the Project Aleph Bet Network


Increase Jewish Day School Enrollment:

Expand enrollment in Jewish day schools and Jewish early childhood centers.

Strengthen Educators:

Elevate Jewish educators through professional development.

Deepen Connection to Israel:

Foster connections to Israel, strengthening a shared Jewish identity.

Network Projects:

EarlyJ (The Bay Area): Boosts Jewish preschool enrollment by addressing all the major areas that make up the early childhood ecosystem.

Emet Classical Academy (NYC): Founded by the Tikvah Fund, this school blends Jewish, Zionist, and American values to attract untapped families to a Jewish day school.

Jewish Communal Professional (JCP) Grants (Atlanta): Led by the Zalik Foundation, this program improves accessibility of Jewish day schools for Jewish professionals.

Lauder Impact Initiative: Enhancing the value proposition of Jewish day schools to present a compelling case for enrollment in Jewish day schools.

NorCal Jewish Day Schools (The Bay Area): Supports marketing for Jewish engagement and enrollment in the Jewish day schools in The Bay Area.

Prizmah Jewish Day School Endowment Initiative: Assisting schools to create or expand an endowment program helping secure its financial sustainability. 

Tamim Academy: A franchise model enabling small communities to create affordable, sustainable Jewish day schools.


Project Aleph Bet is a transformative initiative that unites Israeli and Diaspora leaders in strengthening Jewish day school education, aiming to create replicable and sustainable models to inspire communities across North America to engage in efforts to increase Jewish day school enrollment.

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